Mercy Ministry
Reflecting Christ’s Love to Those In Need

Extending Care To Those In Need
We believe in reflecting Christ’s compassion in all we do.
Our benevolence programs are designed to share the Gospel and to provide assistance to those facing difficult times. Whether it's offering emotional encouragement or practical aid, we serve with open hearts.
FPC’s Mercy Ministry and Congregational Care programs are overseen by our Diaconate – those who’ve been ordained to care for the material and temporal needs of God’s people.
Our assistance comes with a desire to walk with folks in their journey of faith. We encourage mercy recipients to engage in church life!
Need Help?
Would you like to speak to someone about a need or hardship? If so, please fill out the form (to the left). A staff member will follow up with you about a time to meet with our deacons or pastors. Usually this is after Sunday Worship, which you are invited to participate in.
If you have any questions or comments, please include them in your form submission. We will follow up with you shortly.
Get Involved
(228) 863-2664