There is a place for you to connect, SERVE and grow

Children's Ministry
The Children’s Ministry at First Presbyterian Church is one of our greatest strengths. We provide a gospel-centered foundation for our children, laying the groundwork for ongoing spiritual growth.
Our approach is thoughtful and intentional, ensuring that our methods and curriculum are rooted in God’s Word.
We work hand-in-hand with parents and guardians, to impart the wisdom of Scripture to every child.
Sunday School meets each Sunday at 8:50 a.m. We are currently using "Show Me Jesus" curriculum from Great Commission Publications. All are welcome.
Our church hosts Trunk or Treat, Charlie Brown Christmas, and Camp Design VBS each year for the children in our surrounding community! Please join us!
Youth Ministry
The youth group at FPC is an active and thriving ministry to students in 6th through 12th grade.
Our purpose is to nurture students in their relationship with Christ, to equip them to serve in the name of Jesus, and to prepare them for the trials and tests that they will face in the years ahead.
We strive to have students understand that they live in a fallen world and need to arm themselves with Biblical truths as they seek to follow Him in their daily lives.
This is accomplished through much prayer(!) and through fellowship activities (like lock-ins, canoe trips, and game nights), outreach/service opportunities (like visiting nursing homes and children’s shelters and doing yard work to help shut-ins), retreats, mission trips, and Bible studies. There are plenty of opportunities for faith, fun, and fellowship!
Young Adults
Join us our Young Adult as we strengthen our faith through fellowship and the study of God's Word. Our Young Adults are lead by our Assistant Pastor, Gardner Fish.
We meet for Sunday School each week at 9AM, for a meal and study on the first Tuesday of every month at 6PM (Fish home), and once a month for an activity.
Contact Pastor Gardner at 228-863-2664 for more information.
Community Groups
As Christians, we’re called to participate in the lives of others.
At First Presbyterian Church, we believe that Community Groups are the most important step we can make to go deeper and make meaningful relationships within our church family.
Community groups meet throughout the area at various times each week and focus on doing three main things together:
- Connecting with one another over a meal
- Sharing our lives by praying for one another
- Living out the gospel in our homes, neighborhoods, and workplaces
- Living out the gospel in our homes, neighborhoods, workplaces and relationships
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Women's Ministry
The mission of Women's Ministries to help every woman in our congregation—no matter what age or stage—to know Christ personally and to commit to extending His kingdom in her life, home, church, community, and world.
2025 Women's Ministry Team Members
Scarlett Moore
Robin Stevens
Jennifer Broadwater
Rachel Moore
Laura Burton

Thursday Morning

Thursday Evening
Thursday evening Bible Study meets in various locations twice a month. We are continuing a study of ‘Blessed – Experiencing The Promise Of The Book of Revelation’ by Nancy Guthrie.

Monday Evening
Monday evening Bible Study meets via Zoom at 5:00 p.m. this Fall and Winter and is is open to all women. This study uses the book 'Moses and the Burning Bush' by R.C. Sproul.
Men's Ministry
Throughout His ministry, Jesus committed Himself to building and strengthening a core group of men.
At First Presbyterian Church, we believe that is critical to sanctify families, communities, and the world around us.
We’re in the disciple making business!

Men's Bible Study

Men's Breakfast
On the 3rd Saturday of each month, FPC’s men (and their children) meet in the church gym at 8:30AM for a delicious breakfast and a devotional.
OWLS Senior
FPC's "OWLS" (Older Wiser Loving Saints) is a ministry for adults 55 and above - if that's you, then come check it out!
Our OWLS meet once a month for lunch (the first Friday of the month) as well as having other special activities throughout the year.
If you would like more information about the OWLS, please contact the church office at 228-863-2664.
Our Youth Group also puts on the "OWLS Valentine's Banquet" each February where they serve food and provide entertainment for the OWLS.